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3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

.igs file read as faces

    • Talal


      I am trying to import an .igs file that I made with catia v5. The problem is that the geometry doesn't come as a solid. Being a not-that-planar geometry and being quite complex, i don't think that shell elements would be appropriate here. Here is a picture of it:

      How could I import this .igs file as a solid or do you have a way to make it work anyways?

      Btw, when opened in design modeler, the geometry is considered as a solid in the tree:

      But when opened in the preprocess window i get this:


      with over 7k free parts with each asking for a thickness. (kinda lost)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which licence are you using?  I'd tend to use STEP format for file transfer, IGES is notorious for giving odd results and losing higher order bodies.  Have you got solids in Catia, and which solver do you plan on using?

    • Talal

      STEP worked perfectly. Thank you for the tip and info abou tthese files.

      in case: academic license, was indeed solids in catia, and static structural

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